Peggy Halyard, B.B.A., M.A., L.P.C. Verified by Psychology Today,
Individual counseling and couples marriage counseling
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Peggy Halyard, L.P.C. Houston Marriage Counseling
Recommendation from Aviva Chansky Guttmann, https://www.avivachanskyguttmann.com/
"Peggy is an engagingly warm and extremely positive clinician and person. She approaches relationship work from a holistic healing perspective and practices Imago Relationship Therapy with couples. She also offers wonderfully interactive and educational Getting The Love You Want workshops, where partners can experience a needed refresher for their sense of connection. I have enjoyed working and studying with Peggy in several Advanced Imago courses."
Hannah and Anders enjoy the moments and value the experience of the "GETTING THE LOVE YOU WANT WORKSHOP"
Stina and Tomas enjoy their connecting moments
Love requires courage
No self-disclosure is required, privacy is always respected.
Recent Quotes
From Couples who attended Peggy and Doug's Couples Weekend Workshop Retreat
"Peggy and Doug were great presenters and a wonderful example of what a loving relationship looks like."
This workshop has enlightened me and given me the tools to improve my relationship with my wife and family. I expect our best years have just began."
"Peggy and Doug are very friendly, warm, supportive and inviting."
"The course was very insightful. I am so happy that I attended. I've been given good tools and different ways to think. It will help me and my relationship."
"Peggy and Doug present in a clear manner, effectively conveying Imago and have helped our relationship."
"Outstanding real-life couple presenters applying Imago techniques to their own personal lives."
"After the first day of the workshop, this workshop became a prerequisite for my second daughter's wedding. The method and the information presented is fundamental for healthy, long-term marriage or relationship."
" Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D. are a gift to the healthy, happy , thriiving relationships of all couples and their families" Doug Wilson
See More of what past attending couples have said about the weekend retreat with Peggy and Doug
What Past Attendees are saying about the powerful,
"Getting the Love You Want" Couples Workshop in Houston:
“We learned doable skills, taught to us in a gentle, encouraging manner.”
“The workshop changed my way of approaching communication.”
“Peggy and Doug were outstanding, sincere, committed to each other and both extremely knowledgeable and friendly presenters.”
“Most meaningful to me was the idea of opening up to my spouse by understanding her vulnerabilities.”
“The workshop really opened my eyes and gave me new possibilities for connection and growth”.
“The workshop was even more helpful and more enjoyable than I imagined!”
“My goal in attending the workshop was to create a closer relationship with my spouse—I achieved my goal!”
“The skill from the workshop that has helped me the most is learning how to express concerns, feelings, fears, in a non critical way to my spouse.”
“It was just great.”
“I highly recommend an Imago workshop to any couple: married, engaged or a committed relationship.”
“It was worth spending a weekend to gain the understanding and thoughts about me and my partner.”
“The workshop was enlightening and very easy to understand.”
“The workshop presenters were excellent, well prepared, energized.”
“I loved the dialogue technique.”
“I loved a great job Peggy and Doug did being open and honest with us. I appreciate the help and support.”
“The material was presented in a way that was understandable.”
“Peggy and Doug’s willingness to share their own relationship exemplified the benefit of the Imago approach effectively.”
“What I liked best about the workshop were the exercises that made the ideas very concrete.”
“Peggy and Doug are very knowledgeable and make excellent use of real-world examples.”
“I felt a connection with both Peggy and Doug and liked hearing how Imago has worked for them.”
"Thank you both, Peggy and Doug, for your compassion and devotion to your lives' work."
To Register Call Peggy at 832-594-8837
IMAGO Makes a Difference:
John and Pia our Imago friends from Denmark
You are cordially invited by Peggy and Doug to attend the 'Getting the Love You Want' Weekend Workshop to learn Imago Relationship skills to keep your relationships vibrant and growing. We invite you to join other who find the comfortable, safe weekend workshop/ retreat transformational, hopeful and fulfilling. pleasantly discover that they are receiving more of the love they want. (Peggy and Doug are a married couple who enjoy presenting the workshop together. (Click for About Peggy and Doug)
"Peggy Halyard provides an amazing presence when working with her clients. Her warmth and open acceptance creates a safe atmosphere for to work though the most difficult issues, to heal strained and broken relationships and to provide the nurturing support to families embroiled in conflict and chaos. Peggy has equipped herself with the best training available and stays current in her field of psychotherapy. In addition to her clinical excellence she is a compassionate caring provider."
Dr. William (Tony) Victor, DMin, LCPC, Marriage & Family Therapist, Colleague
Peggy Halyard offers relationship help for Houston Couples . For Marriage Counseling and Individual Counseling in Houston, call Peggy at 832-594-8837. Peggy Halyard attended University of Houston, Clear Lake and lives in Houston, Texas. Please see Services and About Us.
Houston Marriage Counseling Therapist Peggy , and husband Doug enjoy being with the couples attending the "Getting the Love You Want" workshop weekend retreat.
Couples Help Thought of the Day
"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude...1Cor. 13
Please see Peggy's Marriage Counseling Blog for more photos from the IMAGO Global Relationships Community. Healthy Couples with thriving children from over 30 countries attend Imago Relationships Global conferences.
Colleagues of Houston Marriage Couples Counselor, Peggy Halyard, can be seen at Imago Relationships International and Imago Relationships Global Summit on Peggy's Couples-Help Blog.
Ms. Peggy Halyard, B.B.A., M.A., L.P.C.
Verified by Psychology Today,
Houston Marriage Counseling Peggy Halyard on
on Pinterest
Feel your site may be a Resource useful or helpful for couples who value their relationships ? Email your URL to peggy halyard.
click PHOTOS for Imago Relationships conference photos AWARDS CEREMONY for marriage couples counselorsDr. Kalanit Ben-Ari,Ji Young Lee, Dr.Jay Oh, Bob Patterson, Mike Borash, Dr. Soon-Cho Kim, Marcia Ferstenfeld, Lori Karch, Damian Duplechain, Tani Strain, Maryrita Weiners, and others
Another Couples Help Thought of the Day
"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible"......Dalai Lama
"Relationships are all there is. Everything in the universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else. Nothing exists in isolation."
Margaret Wheately, (2002) Turning to One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore Hope to the Future
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 1Corinthians 13:4-7
"All of our workshops are open and affirming. All are welcome! We hope you will join us or any of our Imago Relationship Workshop Presenting colleagues who are all excellent presenters."
Houston Marriage Counseling Couples- Help
To register for Couples Workshop, just call Peggy at 832-594-8837
or email TO This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Peggy and Doug enjoy hiking especially in Big Bend walking on the beach and dancing across Texas
Meet Peggy and Doug:
Peggy and Doug use the Imago principles to help make their relationship passionate, vibrant and connecting. Peggy and Doug love sharing with other couples in the workshops these relationship skills and their own relationship challenges . Many feel they are living examples of how transformational the Imago process can be. Peggy and Doug compassionately share their experiences and demonstrate how a committed love relationship is the best place to grow as an individual. They are committed to helping others develop the skills and tools needed for a healthy, intimate, and loving relationship.
About Peggy:
Houston Marriage Counseling Couples Counselor Peggy Halyard
Peggy Halyard has been a Licensed Professional Counselor for over 17 years with a thriving practice in Houston. Psychology is her passion. She has had extensive training in couples therapy and is a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist and Certified Imago Relationship Couples Workshop Presenter. Peggy is known for her empathic style. Peggy provides marriage and couples counseling, individual counseling, and adolescent counseling in her private practice in Houston. Her prior experience includes working at the Neuropsychiatric Center in the Houston Medical Center.
- Licensed Professional Counselor
- Masters of Arts Clinical Psychology, University of Houston -Clear Lake
- Bachelor of Business Administration, University of Houston – Clear Lake
- Certified Imago Relationship Therapist
- Certified Imago Relationship Couples Workshop Presenter
- for the "Getting the Love You Want" Workshop for Couples
- Advanced Imago Clinician
- Certified Anger Management Specialist
- University of Texas Medical Branch Clinical Preceptorship
- Employee Assistance Program Counselor Internship, NASA, Johnson Space Center
- Nomination for Mental Health Legacy of Leadership Award By Innovative Alternatives
- Past President, Houston Area Association for Imago Relationship Therapists (HAAIRT)
- Imago Global Membership Committee, Representative for Southern Central USA,
- Imago Relationships International
- President 2017, President 2015, President 2012, Treasurer (1997-1999), CEU Coordinator (2002-2007), The Net, Bay Area Mental Health Providers Network
- Family Law Mediator
Imago Relationships International:
“Is There More?” 2012 Award for Outstanding Volunteer Work
Nominated for Mental Health Legacy of Leadership Award By Innovative Alternatives.
The Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center Certificate of Commendation Presented to Peggy E. Halyard in recognition of her outstanding leadership, individual initiative and contributions in resource and program management for Space and Life Sciences Directorate.
President, Houston Area Association for Imago Relationship Therapists
Certified Imago Relationship Therapist Peggy Halyard Certified Imago Relationship Therapist
Certified Imago Workshop Presenter for the "Getting the Love You Want" Workshop for Couples
Advanced Imago Clinician.
and Peggy says:
"My Dad loved dogs and raised Pointers and surprised me with a horse named Shorty on my 12th birthday.
My grandfather trained horses in Cuba,
I love Doug, our family and family of friends, my dog Amy, a springer spaniel and Marie our grandkids curious cat,
I have always enjoyed riding horses especially Shorty ,
Hiking with Doug and seeing bears only from a distance in
Big Bend National Park, Texas and
presenting the " Getting The Love You Want" Couples Weekend Retreat Workshops in Houston with my husband Doug " Peggy Halyard
About Doug
Doug has extensive training in Imago couples education and is a Certified Imago Couples Educator and a Certified Imago Couples Workshop Presenter. Doug is known for having inspirational presentations and a great sense of humor. By sharing his experience and insight, couples learn to connect in new ways.
Initially, Doug was also apprehensive about coming to an Imago workshop and empathizes with reluctant husbands/partners and is instrumental in providing a balanced environment 'for the guys' who may really want to relax for the weekend, play golf, or watch the game.
Doctor of Jurisprudence Law Degree, University of Houston
- Bachelor of Business Administration, University of Houston
- Attorney/Mediator- personal injury, employer/employee, business/commercial and family law disputes
- Certified Imago Relationship Educator
- Certified Imago Couples Workshop Presenter
- Imago Global Membership Committee, Representative for Southern Central USA, Imago Relationships International
- Member, Houston Bar Association, Administration of Justice Committee for 2017-2018 Bar Year
- Texas Association of Mediators
- Texas Mediator Credentialing Association – Credentialed Mediator
- Association of Attorney-Mediators
- Charter Member of The Alternative Dispute Resolution Section of the Houston Bar Association
- Lifetime member, Greater Houston Chamber of Commerce
- Awarded “Lifetime Committeeman” status - Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
- Previous Dale Carnegie Human Relationship Instructor
- Mediation Training, A.A. White Dispute Resolution Institute
- Advanced Mediation Training, A. A. White Dispute Resolution Institute
- Attorney/Mediator
Doug enjoys his Alternative Dispute Resolution practice with an emphasis on mediation. Conflict resolution types- personal injury, sexual harassment, discrimination, professional malpractice, oil and gas, real estate, probate, family law, employer/employee, and business/commercial.
Additional Resources...for Couples
Dancing for Couples-
Houston/Nasa Couples Saturday Night Dancing for
Couples- click here
Houston Marriage Counseling Couples Resources
Imago Therapists-Facilitators - Marriage Counseling- HELPING RELATIONSHIPS WORLDWIDE -colleagues-peggy-halyard-houston-marriage-counseling-
Imago Relationships North America |
IRI Imago Relationships International Conference Photos
"Connecting is Healing"
Houston Marriage Counseling Peggy Halyard Couples Help Therapist
"Safe Conversation" Workshops in Dallas offers couples workshops , presented by Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt and Colleagues of Marriage Counseling Houston Couples Help Therapist Peggy Halyard
Quote "by mastersincounseling.org about Marriage Counseling counselor Peggy Halyard
"Houston Marriage Counseling’s Google Plus account, operated by counselor Peggy Halyard, highlights the foremost ways to improve relationships and why being proactive about fixing problems can hold such fruitful rewards. The page posts some of the best articles from other resources on one page, so counselors should check here for a dense amount of tools.
Accredited SchoolsOnline.org, recently published a new guide to promoting student mental health.
Facebook site Couples-help for photos/videos
Highlight and than Google on any of the following for:
Couples Resources and Additional Resources:
Couples Resources for Marriage and Couples Help -from Imago Relationships International
Genevieve and Mike at MamaNatural love Imago so much they made 7 more of these videos.
Free-- Eight youtube videos about relationships Transform Your Relationship –
Transform Your Relationship - "Mike I need you to stop being such a slob' -video on YouTube
Reap The Rewards click here video
New Hope and Inspiration - Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Flowers
Free Wedding Chapel in Texas
Marriage Education in Texas: twogetherintexas
The Source For Couples
Photographers we admire: helping couples capture memories-friends of peggyanddoug,
Dancing for Couples- Houston/Nasa Couples Saturday Night Dancing for Couples- click here
Fun for Couples:Houston Marriage counseling couples counselor Peggy Halyard and Doug
Frobergsfarm , Fred and Katie couples helping couples having fun picking strawberries since the 30's
How Facebook May Improve Your Marriage Relationship
Things that inspire you and may make you happy - Photos on Facebook by K. Jason and Kelli Krafsky
Click here for more information on Imago founder, bestselling author, Dr. Harville Hendrix
Couples Help Humor in the Digital Age by Marga Vaquer, Relationships and Technology: "To Tech or Not To Tech, That Is The Choice"
The Marriage Whisperer
For more information on Imago and Imago Relationships Therapy, please visit Imago Relationships International at www.imagorelationships.com
Lifetime Planning, Patricia Barrett,CFP
National Institute of Mental Health
Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of various mental illnesses. Included are brochures and information sheets, reports, press releases, fact sheets, and other educational materials
National Institutes of Health – Health Information Index
Encyclopedia of Psychology
A collection of links to many areas of psychology. Their intent is to offer the best available sites organized to further the understanding of Psychology
American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers ,Texas
Family Law Attorneys:• Lindamood & Robinson, P.C.
Estate Planning for couples:
American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys,
Hegwood & Associates
Friendswood Mediation Center Turner Mediation, Cravens Mediation
Children 1st- A Parent Education Course for Families Affected by Divorce
American Association of Marriage and Family TherapistsTexas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors
Imago Relationships Marriage & Couples Counseling &"Getting the Love You Want" workshops:you may wish to consider a weekend couples retreat with:
Bob and Cindy Ashkins Peggy and Doug have enjoyed going to their wonderful weekend retreat in New Orleans
Carol Anderson-Marriage Counselor & Couples Workshops in Fresno, CA
The Wissahickon Center-RelationshipGarden- Marriage Counselor & Couples Workshops in Philadelphia, Delaware Valley, PA
Dr. Tony and Becky Victor -Colleagues of Houston Marriage Counseling Couples Help Therapist Peggy Halyard, Marriage Counselor, and Couples Workshops in Saint Louis, Missouri
Susie Itzstein and Shelton Huettig, colleagues of Houston Marriage Counseling Couples Help Therapist Peggy Halyard, Marriage
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Certified Imago Relationship Therapist
Certified Imago Workshop Presenter
Certified Imago Consultant
to register for consultation with Ralph Butcher,please call or email.510-290-9975This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Certified Imago Relationship Therapist
Certified Imago Workshop Presenter
Certified Imago Consultant
To register for consultation with Mindy McHugh,
please call or email. 925-855-1320 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sandy K. Clay, M.A., LPC, LMFT is a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist and a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who opened West Houston Counseling and Assessment in 1990 and has been providing individual, couples and family therapy to adults since then.
Pam Monday- Colleague of Houston Marriage Counseling Couples Help Therapist Peggy Halyard, Marriage Counselor
Genie Joslin Colleague of Houston Marriage Counseling Couples Help Therapist Peggy Halyard, Marriage Counselor
Beth Johnson-Colleague of Houston Marriage Counseling Couples Help Therapist Peggy Halyard, Marriage Counselor
Austin -marriage- counselor-colleague-peggy-halyard, Imago Workshop Presenter -Austin Marriage Counseling
Klaus and Evelin Brehm - Klaus lives and works in Vienna. Together with his wife Evelin they run their own practice working as Imago Couple Therapists and Clinical Instructors. His focus with Brehms+Imago lies on couples therapy and the development and implementation of Imago Methods within the context of coaching and organizations.-Marriage Counselor & Couples Workshops in Vienna,Austria
Tomas Burvall , Marriage Counselor and Stina Persson, a young couple helping couples in Bollnäs, Sweden
Dr. Anders Avemo , Psychiatrist and Hannah Engel-Marriage Counselor & Couples Workshops in Stockholm, Sweden
John and Pia Mortensen - Marriage Counselor & Couples Workshops in Copenhagen, Denmark
Jorunn Øverbø -Marriage Counselor & Couples Workshops in Norway
Imago Houston Relationships :Directory of Houston Marriage and Couples Counseling Imago Certified Therapists in Houston, TX,
Denise O’Doherty , colleague of Houston Marriage Counseling Couples Help Therapist Peggy Halyard
Marriage Counseling Guide
Texas Marriage Counseling Guide
Marriage Counseling Houston : Family Counselors in Houston TX
Therapy Tribe Houston Marriage Counseling and in United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom.
Mary Kuskowski, Marriage Counseling in Houston, colleague of Houston Marriage Counseling Couples Help Therapist Peggy Halyard
Tenley Fukui, MA, Clinical Psychology, LPC, Certified in Clinical Hypnosis, Colleague of Houston Marriage Counseling Couples Help Therapist Peggy Halyard
Gwen Brehm, M.Ed., LPCThrapist, Colleague of Houston Marriage Counseling Couples Help Theapist Peggy Halyard
PsychologyToday-Find a Therapist:
Masters in Psychology
Psychiatrist- PsychologyToday- Find a Psychiatrist:
Schedule - of "Getting the Love You Want" Workshops for Couples Help in Houston, Texas
World Wide Directory of Imago Relationships International-Marriage and Couples Counseling professionals Imago Faculty and Harville Hendrix - Emeritus Board Member Helen LaKelly Hunt - Emeritus Board Member, Colleagues of Houston Marriage Counseling Couples Help Therapist Peggy Halyard
Couples and over 1000 marriage counseling couple counselors from over 20+ countries have attended marriage counselor /workshop education training programs provided by Imago Relationships International."
Houston Marriage Counseling Texas Couples Peggy Halyard-Wilson Imago Relationships International Couples Workshop Presenter
Couples-Help on Facebook
Peggy Halyard-Wilson on Facebook
Houston Marriage Counseling on Pinterest
Mid-Atlantic Imago Therapists Certified Imago Relationships Couples Therapists
Imago Therapists membership directory
California Couples Marriage Counseling
ConnecticutMarriage Counseling
Fort Lauderdale Marriage Counseling
LA's Hancock Park and Westlake Village
Nashville Marriage and Couples Counseling
New York Marriage Counseling
Maryland Marriage Counseling
San Ramon Couples Marriage Counseling
Stockholm Marriage Counseling
Vancouver Marriage Counseling
Vienna Marriage Counseling
Washington DC Marriage Counseling
Houston Marriage Counseling Counselors helping couples
Houston Bay Area Mental Health Providers Network Directory
Constance Austin LPC, LPA
Linda Boone, LPCSagemontchurch.org
Brent Bradley PhD, LMFT, UHCL Assoc Prof.www.couplezone.org
Gwen Brehm LPC, LMFT www.centerformindbodyhealth.org
Sue Brooks MA, LPC, LCDCwww.creatingchoicescounseling.com
Norma Callender PhD, LPCBay Area Tutoring and Family Counseling.net ,
Lori T. Candrian MS, LPCdowntowncounseling.com
Missy Cobb Memorial Hermann Prevention and Recovery Center
Kimberley M. Davila MSW
Sandra Dwyer LPCpro-act.com
Wanda Eckersley MS, LPCpearlandcounselingcenter.com
Danny Edwards LCDC, LPC, LMFT
Deron Ernst LPC, NCC
Grey Fenberg MA, LMFT, ART www.createchangetherapy.com
Carolyn Fitzgerald LPC
Mary Fricke MA, LPC
Mark Groblewski LCSW
Gale Grant-Leroy MS, LPCpearlandcounselingcenter.com
Carol Haase-Greely MEd, LPC
Peggy Halyard BBA, MA, LPC HoustonMarriageCouplesCounseling
Donna Henn M.S., LPC donna.henn.com
Kathy Herranen Fisher LCDC, AACMemorial Hermann Prevention and Recovery
Patrice Houston MA, LPC, LCDC, CEAPhr.utmb.edu/ehp
Darline Hunter Psychologist, LPCS, LMFT, LCDC
Jennifer Kuhl LPC
Larna V. Loeckle PhD, LPC
Jonette Malone LCSW
Sonny Maxwell
Gayle McAdoo MA, LMFT, LPC, LCDC
Erica McCarty MA, LPCwww.ccpdfriendswood.com
Dawn Mulqueen LMFT, CARTDawnmulqueentherapy.com Misty Nielsen MA, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Barbara Richardson LBSW
Mike Ross LCSW christiancounselingfriendswood.org
Angela Sarain LMFT, LPCwww.sarafinfamilytherapy.com
Marylou Shackleton MA, LPC-S, LMFT-Swww.detourcounseling.com
Kay Shroyer MS, LPCKayShroyer.com
Brittany Smyth LMSWresolvit.org
Carolyn Watts MA, LPC, LSSP
I C. Wetuski LPC #3510
Tom Winterfield LPC, LMFT
Mary Jo Wood, LPC-internSagemontchurch.org
if you help couples or individuals and know of any good resources for couples including your own web site
that you feel would be helpful for couples please email to: peggy halyard,